The dwarves are frantically trying to break through the goblin ranks in order to escape from Goblin Town. Kili and Fili charge forwards at the goblin ranks alongside both Gloin and Oin. A Goblin Captain attempts to cut off the dwarves with his warband of goblins whilst yet more goblins awaken in goblin town!
Enter the Dwarves |
Turn 1
The Dwarves charge forwards catching three goblins of guard that were unaware of their presence, Kili however hangs back a bit in order to fire at the oncoming goblins. Kili's aim is true but unfortunately the adrenaline pumping in the goblin keeps him from suffering any major damage. Meanwhile Fili and Gloin both win their fights and slay their opponents.
Turn 2
The Dwarves slow up a moment and aim their ranged weaponry towards the oncoming goblins, both Kili and Fili hit but it is Kili's arrow that deals the severe damage and the leading goblin topples over dead.
One Down... |
Turn 3
Fili charges forward and throws an axe at his target with exceptional might and kills the goblin as the dagger lands square between the goblins eyes allowing Fili to charge the goblin behind him. Gloin also charges forward missing his throwing axe which only enrages him more. He calls a heroic fight and butchers his combatant and then surges forward into two more goblins and fells another goblin. Fili also kills his combatant.
Gloin the powerhouse |
This time evil gain priority and in an attempt to conserve momentum Oin lets lose a hearty battle cry rallying on his fellow dwarves (heroic move). The Goblin Captain attempts to counter this with his own piercing screech but isn't heard over the booming noises in the deep. Both Kili and Gloin miss their throwing axes but charge into combat regardless. Fili kills his target effortlessly but Gloin appears to tire briefly and requires some cheering from Oin (re-roll dice) and then uses his last point of might to beat off his combatants but then fails to wound in his exhausted state.
Charge!!! |
Turn 5
Gloin staggers on re-engaging his previous combatants whilst the younger and more nimble Fili charges onwards again with a burst of might he unleashes a barrage of throwing daggers felling yet another goblin and then charging onwards into the next goblin. Further back yet more goblins emerge out of the darkness, the Goblin Captain sets his sites on Fili's legs and ducks under the front goblins legs to hack at Fili's. This caused Fili to lose his balance and the fight but fortunately no major damage was caused.
The Goblin Captain Approaches (left of screen...) |
Turn 6
Evil gain priority but Kili cries out of even greater danger not far behind (heroic move) and the dwarves dig down deep to find the strength to power forwards. Fili swaps sides with Gloin to change combatants but the tenacious Goblin Captain is intent on bringing down Fili and so he scuttles across the battlefield behind Fili's combatant and this time he managed to cause some serious damage to Fili's leg.
The Goblin Captain unleashes a loud battle cry but Kili cries out louder. Oin manages to fix up Fili's leg thanks to a distraction provided by Gloin so that he can charge back into the fight, however much to Fili's frustration the loathsome Goblin Captain halted his advance again but fortunately no damage was dealt. Gloin meanwhile carves up anther goblin and boots it's corpse into the ravine below.
Turn 8
Things are looking bleak for the dwarves, with only a few turns left to reach the end of the boardwalk and many more goblins bearing down upon them. The Goblin Captain swings wildy at Fili's legs but Kili vaults over his brother shielding him from harm. Alas, Kili is also bested by the Goblin Captain but fortunately jumps above the captains swings. Gloin hacks down yet another goblin.
Turn 9
More goblins scuttle forward, Fili lines up an axe at the oncoming attackers but misses in the heat of battle. The Goblin Captain is getting frustrated at his lack of bloodshed and aims a piercing strike at Kili's hip but Kili counters with a quick punt and boots the vile creature back but it unfortunately ends up outside of Kili's reach and so no wounds are dealt. Gloin too is unable to capitalise on his victory.
Turn 10
The group are just able to hear the cries of battle ahead and realise they are too late to meet up with their companions. They charge forward in a last ditch attempt to join up with their company. Gloin takes a great risk by leaping the gap to the platform surrounding himself in goblins. However his risky gambit backfired as he was swarmed by goblins and he was severely wounded before losing his balance and toppling from the platform. Enraged by this Kili slashes at the Goblin Captain wounding the pitiful creature but Fili is distracted at the loss of his friend and he suffers a cheap shot from a couple of goblins.
Gloin Surrounded |
Gloin's Fate |
Oin - 0 kills, 0 might, 3 will
Gloin - 8 kills, 0 might, 0 fate, 0 wounds
Fili - 5 kills, 0 might, 1 wound
Kili - 1 kill, 0 might
I am currently undecided as to whether or not Gloin will return for the final battle (after all the scenarios in the Goblin Town booklet I am doing a large battle which will be affected by what happens in the scenarios). I'm currently thinking maybe a rescue sort of scenario like in battle companies but that's yet to be decided. Anyways that's my first battle report, hope you enjoyed!